Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Long time no see

Wow, has it really been THAT long?

I haven't written since October, well, I have, but I deleted some posts.

So here we are, six months later.

I blame my lack of motivation to doing much of anything on my medication(s)
Ever since I started taking Paxil, it seemed that my urge to write, and do much of anything except what was necessary, just faded away.
With the Paxil, my anxieties, and much of my depression has faded as well. Ya gotta take the good with the bad I guess.
The Paxil has enabled me to cope so much better with life though, and it seems that everyone has benefited from it.

A few months ago my doctor put me on blood pressure meds. Beta blockers. It takes a while to get the dosage right, the first try was too high and made me dizzy all the time.
The lower dose did not really do much for me other than making me extremely tired all the time.
I also developed a huge craving of sugars, and for weeks I noshed mainly on caramels, rice crispy treats and ice cream, like being pregnant. I gained 5 pounds.

So the other day he switched me to Lisinopril. He also told me to start taking multi vitamins and vitamin D. Believe it or not, I can already feel the difference. Have more energy, my cravings for sweets way down.

Blood pressure is down, head clearer, way to go!

But enough about me.

Bugs and Boo moved into Philip's mother's house after her lease on the town house ended. They decided to do this mainly to save money. They are now paying Mom's mortgage (which is extremely low) and she pays the utilities. Mom and little brother (7 and not so little though) moved into Philips old room, Boo moved in brother's room and Philip and Bugs took Mom's 'master bedroom'

When they told me about their decision I had to try very hard not to burst out laughing.
I mean, moving into another woman's house? MY Bugs? HA!
But, thanks to the Paxil (I am sure) I was able to keep my trap shut and not say one word.
Something I have been getting very good at lately. Not interfering, no suggestions, just letting her do her thing.
So two months into this new situation and things seem to be working out. The only problem I see are the pets. Boo was bitten by the cat a few months ago. This time I did urge her to call the doctor, to make sure of what she needed to do. (The cat has recently disappeared, on down...)

Then a few weeks ago she was bitten (on the face, no punctures just scratches) by the Blue tick hound dog. Lucy is a very docile sweet dog, but apparently Boo kept bugging her and cornered her and the dog reacted. I was furious, and let both Bugs and Philip know I was.
I took pictures of Boo's face and let the adults know I would not tolerate a second incident.
The dogs are now outside (they say) There is also a pitt mix, and a black mutt.
If it had been the pitt (his name is Blue) I would have called the cops, as he has bitten brother once.
What really pissed me off to no end was the fact that Philip kept blaming Boo instead of the dog.
So I let them both know that I WOULD not tolerate a second incident, involving anyone in that family, especially the kids.

This was really the only time I came out of my Paxil stupor and got really really upset. It did take a few sedatives that day and the next to settle me down.

Bugs still works at the sport bar, mainly bar tending, mainly in the evening/nights. Which works out rather well for everyone. She is home with Boo most of the day, and Boo stays with us overnight when she has to 'close', which is usually 2 or 3 am.

Boo is growing like a bean stalk. Just turned three. Very tall, her hair getting long, her vocabulary amazing.
She hasn't had any colds or breathing problems throughout the winter. Which is a good thing, because when she gets it, we get it as well. Wheelie doesn't fare too well with colds these days.

She is finally potty trained. From one day to the other. Amazing. She now proudly wears her Princess big girl panties.

Wheelie is doing well. His prostate cancer seems to have either disappeared or slowed way down. He still gets his shot every six months.
He got a clean bill of health from his primary the other day. He has been "working out" with some light weight dumbbells and weights on his ankles, and sits outside for his daily dose of vitamin D and K on the patio or the front porch, depending on the wind situation.

My parents are going strong. Well, as strong as they can. I really wish I could go and see them.

My backyard looks like a wilderness. But I am just going to call it the natural look for now. My two rose bushes are blooming. The creeping Jenny once again refused to die throughout the cold winter, the hostas came back with a vengeance. The wild strawberries look kinda cute, and the violets in my big pots out front bloomed throughout the winter.

With my new found surge of energy I decided to organize a neighborhood garage sale. I sent everyone a note about my plan, sighed people up, (5 out of 50 wasn't bad) and made the signs, blew up balloons, placed the ad in the paper.
On Saturday April 17, we were all ready at 8, gorgeous day! The sale was a huge success, and a lot of fun. It got everyone out of their houses at least! At 11 most of us were sold out.We had a lot of stuff, baby stuff, kitchen stuff etc, and we did amazingly well.
Never did get rid of the darn crib though. Perhaps I should just take it apart en keep it.
My goal is to empty my storage unit, thus saving 50 bucks a month. It's almost empty. Just need to get rid of the old wheelchairs and my IMac computer.

So all in all we're doing well. Knock on wood.

More later


1 comment:

  1. META!, It's good to See You back to Well, Almost Old Self.
    It is an improvement, a Great One.
    I thought I had lost My Dear Friend to the Open Winds, *S*
    Hugs, Elaine
