Thursday, September 30, 2010

We're walking again

This morning was so nice and cool, I decided to go for a walk. I desperately need it!!
It was raining a little, but that didn't stop me from enjoying my little stroll.
Just 15 minutes, a loop around the neighborhood and a short ways up the road a piece.

Just really love this cool weather.

Boo-boo is being an angel today. She is behaving and very sweet, low maintenance. Whew.
I think she just inherited her Opa's and Mom's feisty nature. She ate all her dinner, didn't want/need a bath, brushed her teeth with her new toothpaste and toothbrush.


When I wrote Daddy's father I also copied his mom. Well, mom came at me from a different angle. :>)
She thought my email was GREAT and she made Daddy read it, And she thinks he changed his behavior immediately!!! Like I am going to believe THAT!
Than she started her usual spiel about how much Boo-boo loves them and wants them and misses them. Boo-boo wouldn't know them from Adam.
She wants us all to be a big happy family. Blah blah blah...Not in this lifetime, lady!

Is it just me, or am I expecting too much from Daddy? Shouldn't he have contacted Bugs by now, even just tried? Has he shown any interest in his little girl? Nah....

If I were released from jail early, and I was missing my little child so much and wanted to do good for her, I wouldn't waste a second, I would make sure it was known that I was THERE, trying to be a good person, contributing to her welfare, trying to make up for lost time, and APOLOGIZE to everyone who has been touched by his bad behavior.

I guess this is all supposed to happen through osmosis...

Perhaps I should just shut up about this issue, but dammit, I AM affected, my family is affected.
And I am angry about it.


Overseas, Mom is going to spend the weekend with my brother's family. I hope the change of pace will do her good. My sister and her man are driving down to Spain to spend a week in the sun in Barcelona with her son. Good for them!

I am trying to get Boo-boo to sing a song with me and film it.

She's not in the mood tonight. Oh well!

Tomorrow perhaps!


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