Sunday, October 10, 2010


Another Sunday.
After our "live" alarm clock got us up at 7:30, we got a phone call from the fraud department of one of our major credit card companies.
Someone in Florida was getting gas and groceries in Homestead and charging it to my account.
I wonder how in the world they got a hold of it, since I never physically use that card, and only use it for Amazon and ordering flowers for Mom online.
It amazed me that they had all the information at their fingertips, and told me exactly where the card was used and when. Thank God no one tried to buy a flat screen TV or some other large item.
It was caught in time. The account is now closed, the cards cut up, and the issue investigated.

I took Boo-boo home at ten (Bugs was still asleep, I later found out she didn't get out of work until 4:30am, this girl needs a different job)
While driving I dropped something and muttered: Oma is such a dummmy... Comes the voice from the backseat: nah, Oma is friggin'....
Huh? *lol*
After I dropped her off I went to the store for the paper, and the rest of the day I spent fast asleep in bed. Dead to the world, strange dreams, driving the car with my eyes glued shut etc...

The temps are warm again, very strange for October, 90 degrees!

I guess the last few days have been nice and quiet.
One of my neighbors knocked on my door the other day. She heard from my neighbor across the street that I needed to get out and DO something.
Well, on Thursday I will join her and her other cronies for the Knitting Group at St. Francis Catholic Church.
I sold all my leftover yarn and knitting needles during my garage sale. Actually I sold some and GAVE most of it to yet another neighbor, who, as it turns out, goes to the same "club"

Not an unfamiliar activity for me. Both my aunts back in California did a lot of knitting and crocheting for "the Sisters" in their parish. Many of my afghans went there as well.

So we'll see what this is all about.

Mom spent last weekend at my brothers'. She said she had a good time (mind you, weekend meaning: picking her up late on Friday and bringing her back early Sunday, baby steps, I guess)
But getting out of her house seems to have perked her up a little. My sister and her man should be back from Spain by now, but I haven't heard from her yet.
I get the feeling everyone needs their space at the moment. I certainly can identify with that.
I wish I could just go and disappear for a while by myself.


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