Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sharon, Lois & Bram

When Bugs was a toddler, she used to watch and love this Canadian trio's programs.

And now her little one has discovered them as well.
It started out as a try. I wondered if this show, the songs, would turn our Boo on.
Well, I need not have worried.

She LUVS them!

I managed to get my hands on three old videos, as well as a few CDs (for the car, arghhh)
She HAS to watch them constantly, and pretty much know all the songs, the words, the subtle nuances of the music.

Thank God the music is calm and fun, so we enjoy them as well. (Old farts)

I can't remember ever knowing so many children's songs before. When mine were young, we didn't listen in the car much I guess. I don't recall ever having to replay a song over and over again until my eyes crossed. sure learn the lyrics that way!

So we went from Elmo to Barney (we always swore we wouldn't allow OUR kids to watch Barney, haha!) to Sharon, Lois & Bram.
What's next?
Dora the Explorer? Barbie? Bratz? Hannah Montana? and God forbid, the Jonas Brothers?

All kidding aside, we'll adjust our tastes to hers as time goes on, I am sure. After all, we happily went through the punk scene. The Green Day, Mighty Bostones, the Offspring, Rancid etc. concerts, the Warped Tour, Lollapalooza, etc etc.

It's too bad Wheelie is no longer in the recording business. We sure aren't up to date anymore with the new artists, classical OR rock. Guess we'll leave that education to our granddaughter.

I hope we'll be able to take her to all sorts of events when she gets bigger. It will be great fun to watch her, like her mom, get all freaked out and sing and dance, let it all hang out.
Just hope there won't be any mosh pits around anymore then, they scared me to bits. Fearless Bugs was always right in the middle of it all, I just prayed and closed my eyes a lot.


Bugs's shingles seem to be reacting well to the meds, they are drying up. Itch like crazy, but no more pain.
Boo is a little wild today, could be the antihistamine she's on (Claritin for kids). We did our errands this morning. She entertained the masses at the post office, going full tilt. Singing, running, saying HI to everyone, touching people, asking them stuff, laughing out loud.
With three of my dead auntie's necklaces around her neck, she was a riot. So glad the people in line were all in a good mood and smiled and enjoyed her antics.

She truly is a gift these days, her wonderful energy, her love.
In a time where everywhere around me, I know people are having problems.
Most of my closest relatives are going through tough times with their own grown children. It seems to never end.
So it's a blessing to have this little chunk of sunshine running around my house to keep your perspective. seems that the clicking of my keyboard has lulled her to sleep.



1 comment:

  1. Skida ma rink E dink E dink. Skid a ma rink E do, I love You
    L* this is goin around for the second time.
    Did see the Trio in R/T once, great fun
